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Managing the Prosecution of Sexual Exploitation Cases (From Sexual Exploitation of the Child, P 56-60, 1986, Thomas M Frost and Magnus J Seng, eds. - See NCJ-104925)

NCJ Number
G Ellis
Date Published
5 pages
This paper describes the case processing procedures used by the Sexual Exploitation of Children Unit of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office (Illinois).
The unit manages cases involving child pornography, juvenile prostitution, solicitation for juvenile prostitution, pandering, and multivictim molestation cases. The unit coordinates the case from early in the investigation through case disposition. This eliminates the need for victims to tell their stories repeatedly to new criminal justice personnel at various stages of case processing. The unit meets with investigating police officers to review search and arrest warrants, police case records, investigative techniques, and the use of the grand jury to gather evidence and lock in the testimony of particular witnesses. The unit approaches each case as if the victim is not going to be able to testify, so investigators obtain corroborating evidence that will be sufficient to win the case. The evidence is often so strong against defendants that they plead guilty. Since 1980, Illinois law has outlawed sex with a child prostitute. This prevents child molesters from claiming a defense that the child was a prostitute because the defendant paid her money.

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Loyola University of Chicago

Water Tower Campus, 820 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, United States

United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.