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Making It Work: Community Organization Approaches to Alcohol Abuse Prevention at the Local Level

NCJ Number
Date Published
108 pages
This manual provides an overview of community organization theory and practice and applies them to work with communities in the field of alcohol-abuse prevention.
The opening chapter defines "community organization" as the "conscious process of bringing together people who share common concerns, so they may take action to improve their situation." Common concerns may derive from any one or a combination of three factors: physical proximity, concern over an issue, and adherence to a cause. This chapter also discusses the purposes of community organization (build consensus among diverse groups, social action, and social planning) and the use of community organization to wield collective power that brings desired results. Two chapters present the seven phases of a community organization plan. These consist of pre-organizing considerations, data collection, the development of an organizing committee, the identification and prioritization of problems, the development of strategies and tactics, action, and organization maintenance and development. Another chapter identifies and discusses responses to problems in community organization. The problems discussed are conflict, poor attendance at meetings, talk but no action, lack of participation in activities, drop in interest, and leadership problems. The concluding chapter profiles a constituency approach to community organization. Glossary, 35 references, and 31-item bibliography