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Legislative Responses to Terrorism

NCJ Number
Y Alexander, A S Nanes
Date Published
338 pages
This volume reproduces selected national legislative responses to terrorism and related forms of ideological and political violence in 16 English-speaking countries.
Countries are listed alphabetically, and a brief description of the geography, political and cultural milieu, and experience with and response to terrorism is provided for each. Major legislative provisions of each country are reproduced; major provisions are highlighted by notes in the margin. Countries covered are Australia, Canada, Ghana, Guyana, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In addition to pertinent U.S. Federal law, legislation for 16 individual States is cited. Legislation deals with treason, hijacking, use of explosives, hostage-taking sedition, private military organizations, prevention, national security, and international cooperation.