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Labor Youth Sponsorship Programs - Final Evaluation Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
210 pages
Findings and recommendations are presented from an evaluation of Labor Youth Sponsorship Programs (LYSP's) in Cleveland, Oh., and Fort Worth, Tex., programs by organized labor designed to help troubled youth.
The primary goals of LYSP's in fiscal years 1979 and 1980 was to assist troubled youth in finding productive roles by offering the juvenile courts in their respective communities an alternative to the institutionalization of nondangerous youth offenders through advocacy and other direct services aimed at diverting youth from the criminal justice system and into community-based social service agencies. Activities directed toward this goal were job placements, vocational counseling, tutoring, and guidance in the use of leisure and the development of interests. A second goal of fiscal year 1980 was to secure State or local funding for fiscal year 1981. The evaluation approach was action research which focused on year-end process and outcome data, as well as feedback in support of each LYSP's development. Site visits included client interviews and the use of questionnaires with staff. Analysis indicated that both LYSP's exceeded their objectives for job placement and vocational counseling, although neither program succeeded in fully achieving its objectives for tutoring or guidance in the use of leisure time and the development of personal interests. The probable cause for failure in the latter areas was failure to recruit enough union volunteers to meet service demands and the low priority given these activities. Neither program was able to secure funding for fiscal year 1981. One of the recommendations is that more attention should be given to both long- and short-term planning specifically linked to program goals and objectives. Tabular and graphic data are provided, and evaluation materials are appended. (Author summary modified)