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Juvenile Justice - Resources and Projects for Girl Scout Councils

NCJ Number
Date Published
35 pages
This report describes the major efforts taken by the Girl Scouts of the United States to help young people, lists Girl Scout resources to help youth workers in the juvenile justice area, and presents additional resources from two national delinquency prevention projects.
The two projects described are the National Juvenile Justice Program Collaboration, representing 20 major community agencies that cooperated to help status offenders by sharing their programs and resources, and the National Youthworker Education Project, set up to train the staff of major national youth agencies that deliver services to girls. The resources available as a result of these two projects are listed. In addition, statistical information on youth crime and treatment by the juvenile justice system is presented. A selection of Girl Scout Council model projects are included; the models offer ideas and approaches for better serving youths at-risk and status offenders in the community. Also included are a sample session in juvenile justice awareness training and a referral guide to Girl Scout program books. A description of Girl Scout Councils' delinquency prevention projects is presented, and some definitions in the area are offered. Additional resources are listed.