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Investigative Methods for White Collar Crime

NCJ Number
W B Moran
Date Published
113 pages
Based on reports issued by the U.S. Department of Justice, this book delineates the methods and techniques used in the investigation of bribery, fraud, public corruption, and other white-collar crimes.
Investigative planning is examined as it relates to police intelligence, documentary evidence and document control, search and seizure, and data analysis. The intelligence and information-gathering process is described, and sources of information for various white-collar offenses are delineated. Link analysis and flow charting are discussed as two basic information integration procedures. Inference development and information dissemination components of data collection also are delineated. A section on search warrants reviews the uses of warrants, conditions necessary to obtaining warrants, and the implications of search and seizure requirements for the investigator. Examples of and checklists for obtaining search warrants and affidavits of probable cause also are provided. Finally, the investigation of public corruption is discussed with respect to security, recordkeeping and reporting, use of informants, undercover and audit investigations, consent recordings, issuance of process, the use of the grand jury, and investigator-prosecutor cooperation. 28 recommended readings.


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