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Internships Behind Bars: An Educational Challenge in Texas

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2003 Pages: 24-26
Stacey Edmonson Ed.d.; Alice Fisher Ed.d.
Date Published
March 2003
3 pages
This article discusses the implementation of an administrative internship program within the correctional education environment.
The Windham School District (Texas) serves the entire prison system in the State. Windham serves adult learners that are incarcerated for criminal activity. The campuses, found in prison facilities across the State, are under the educational control of principals that hold a valid state administrator’s certificate. The seven broad areas incorporated into standards for educational leaders include learner-centered values and ethics of leadership; leadership and campus culture; human resources leadership and management; communications and community relations; organizational leadership and management; curriculum planning and development; and instructional leadership and management. These standards are a part of the principal internship program at Sam Houston State University. They serve as the basis for every activity used in the principal internship, a six credit hour requirement for all students seeking principal certification. When students that work for Windham School District enter the program, a priority is determining that student’s goals. Students that plan to become administrators within Windham School District must be given a modified version of the internship. One concern that is addressed when working with interns in a district such as Windham is that of the university supervisor. Care must be taken to ensure that the supervisor is comfortable with such a task. Preparing administrative interns in a prison education system is a unique and challenging task. This challenge is easily overcome with a strong internship program that is flexible enough to meet such unique needs yet structurally sound enough to prepare interns to master State standards. 4 references