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Integrated Criminal Investigation and Identification System

NCJ Number
Forensic Magazine Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Dated: October-November 2009 Pages: 31-33
Edward Longhi
Date Published
November 2009
3 pages
This article describes the Albuquerque Police Department's (New Mexico) custom-designed, Intranet-based system known as the Integrated Criminal Investigation and Identification System (ICRIIS), which expands and facilitates authorized access to the crime lab's data and information on investigative, biological, trace, impression, and firearms evidence.

The ICRIIS consists of three major operational tiers: the Intranet server, the client, and the Internet. At the level of the Intranet server, the ICRIIS kernel is wrapped in a security shell named Sentinel. Sentinel authenticates and controls access to the operational programs that comprise the ICRIIS system. Each ICRIIS user is assigned a unique user name and password, with associated privileges that provide access to a given database while also establishing the user permissions (read-only for users and read-write for database administrators). ICRIIS consists of four discrete databases and administering programs: crime scene investigation (CAPTURE), sex crimes investigation (CAPTURE-SC), fingerprints (FPTS), and DNA (DNATS). Although each of these databases is administered by a separate program, they are linked to the ICRIIS kernel through Windows Messaging. Whenever a fingerprint or DNA database administrator makes an edit or adds a new record, the ICRIIS kernel is notified and is responsible for updating the investigation databases. Once a user has been authenticated by Sentinel, control is passed to the ICRIIS Master Control Window where, based on the user's privileges, certain database access command push-buttons at the bottom of the window are activated. The "update local database" button synchronizes the client's local database with the server database, ensuring that the client has access to the latest information. This article provides general information on designing a custom database for a forensic laboratory that can be accessed by authorized personnel throughout the criminal justice system.