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Inmate Profiles as of June 30, 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
53 pages
This report presents statistical data outlining inmate profiles in Florida Department of Corrections facilities as of June 30, 1990.
The first two tables outline status population by custody level for female and male institutions. The summary profile of all inmates incarcerated in Department of Corrections facilities and institutions notes that, of a total prison population of 42,733, 41.6 percent of inmates are white while 56.6 percent are black. The average inmate age is 31.5, 64 percent have never been married, and nearly 91 percent are Florida residents. On the average, inmates have completed 10.5 years of school. Over 47 percent use illegal drugs, nearly 53 percent were employed at the time of their arrest, and 53.8 percent had no previous incarcerations in State prison. The most frequently committed offenses are drug offenses, burglary, and homicide. A profile of inmates in each correctional facility is included.


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