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Incarcerated Sex Offenders' Expectations for Reentry

NCJ Number
Prison Journal Volume: 93 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2013 Pages: 102-122
Richard Tewksbury; Heith Copes
Date Published
March 2013
21 pages
Returning to the community after incarceration can be a difficult challenge.
Returning to the community after incarceration can be a difficult challenge. These issues are exacerbated for sex offenders, who reenter society carrying strong stigmas and who are subject to a variety of both legal and extralegal restrictions. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 24 incarcerated, soon-to-be released sex offenders, this study examines their perceptions and expectations of reentry challenges and opportunities. Analysis shows that sex offenders have very limited understandings of reentry legal restrictions. In addition, offender accounts revealed sex offenders generally held positive expectations for community reentry. They reflect the belief that they will be able to draw upon personal, familial, and social resources to avoid the consequences of stigmatization. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.

