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If One Doesn't Get You Another One Will: Formerly Incarcerated Persons' Perceptions of Discrimination

NCJ Number
Prison Journal Volume: 92 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2012 Pages: 63-87
Thomas P. LeBel
Date Published
March 2012
25 pages
This article examines the perspective of formerly incarcerated persons concerning the stigma and discrimination they face in society.
Research on prisoner reentry has largely neglected the perspective of formerly incarcerated persons concerning the stigma and discrimination they face in society. The purpose of this study is to address this gap by examining whether formerly incarcerated persons perceive themselves to be discriminated against due to their membership in 10 disadvantaged groups, and if these perceptions are related to self-esteem. The findings indicate the vast majority of men and women feel discriminated against for one reason, with most indicating multiple reasons. Moreover, the findings provide support for past research indicating that perceptions of discrimination are negatively related to self-esteem. (Published Abstract)

