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Identified Substance Abusers: New York State Department of Correctional Services

NCJ Number
Date Published
10 pages
This report provides information on inmates under custody of the New York State Department of Correctional Services on February 24, 1990 who have been identified as substance abusers.
The information reflects self-reported drug use 6 months prior to incarceration and scores of 9 or above on the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST). The data indicate that 73 percent (37,913) of the total inmate population of 51,737 have been identified as substance abusers. Sixty-three percent (1,601) of 2,546 female inmates have been identified as substance abusers. These percentages should be considered a conservative estimate of the extent of substance abuse among inmates. The numbers include both inmates who report no drug use and have MAST scores under 9 (7,388) and inmates with missing data on substance use (6,436). If these missing-data cases are excluded, it may be calculated that 84 percent (37,913) of the 45,301 inmates for whom data are available may be classified as substance abusers. The tables present data on drug and alcohol abuse, type of drug use, crime of commitment, region of commitment, minimum sentence, maximum sentence, second felony status, current age, educational level, and ethnic status. 12 tables