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Hospice in the Jail Inside the Broward County Sheriff's Office

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Dated: May/June 2000 Pages: 53-56
Todd Schwartz; Joan Bauersmith
Date Published
4 pages
This article discusses the Broward County Jail’s (Florida) implementation of an in-house hospice for inmates.
The authors present a case study of the implementation and operation of the Broward County Jail Hospice Program. The article provides an overview of conditions and factors that influenced the decision to implement the hospice program. The contractor selections process for the on-site hospice provider is discussed. The training needs incident to a hospice program are identified. The program components from initial intake, implementation of advance directives including the execution of a living will and Do Not Resuscitate order and the function and role of the Hospice Review Committee in monthly monitoring of each patient’s case are discussed. Community transition provisions for inmates who are released and barriers to hospice implementation are presented. Key barriers to successful implementation include efforts to meet dietary requirements, the need for expanded inmate visitation hours, and staff fatigue. 2 tables


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