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Honolulu Police Department - Annual Report, 1979-1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
This report discusses the activities and accomplishments of each division of the Honolulu Police Department during the period of 1979-80.
Divisions within the administrative bureau, the field operations bureau, the investigative operations bureau, and the technical bureau are covered. The total budget for 1979-80 was $40,650,607, and budget expenditures rose by about $2 million over 1978-79. Three police officers were dismissed from service during the year due to violations of departmental rules and regulations and failure to meet minimum job requirements. Recruit classes graduated 74 officers, of which 9 were females. A minicomputer was accepted for use by the department, and a rape prevention program and other community relations projects were continued. Investigations of illegal gambling, prostitution, and drug dealing were ongoing during the year, and training sessions were held for juvenile crime investigators. Efforts to centralize and increase the police radio network system through an islandwide microwave radio communications system were continued. A map showing police districts, a table listing the numbers of offenses handled, and photographs are provided.