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HIV Education for Probation Officers: An Implementation and Evaluation Program

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (January 1991) Pages: 125-134
A J Lurigio; J Petraitis; B Johnson
Date Published
16 pages
This article describes the implementation and evaluation of an HIV education program for probation officers (PO) at the Cook County Adult Probation Department in Chicago. It also examines the reasons that HIV education is important.
HIV education prepares POs for work-related interaction with HIV-infected individuals. It teaches proper responses to situations where universal precaution may be required to clean blood spills or vomitus or to avoid needle stick. A total of 234 officers attended the two 1-hour session HIV seminars held twice a day for one full work week. Topics covering the medical, social, and legal aspects of HIV were presented by an experienced educator. Pre- and post-seminar surveys assessed medical and legal knowledge about HIV and the fear of HIV. Results indicated a significant increase in the participants knowledge about AIDS and a diminished fear of HIV. Future seminars should focus on legal aspects of HIV, provide refresher courses and supplementary resource materials, and use a lecture and open discussion format. The content of the seminars should relate specifically to departmental policies of assessment, monitoring, and referral of HIV-infected probationers. 3 tables, 1 note, and 17 references. (Author abstract modified)