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Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: Issues in Cultural Competence

NCJ Number
Joseph E. Trimble Ph.D., Fred Beauvais Ph.D.
Date Published
222 pages
This volume explores questions of concern to health services, primary care and substance abuse practitioners, and evaluators wishing to enhance their abilities in working with the diversity of populations that embody the term American Indian and Alaska Native.
The topics discussed in this volume are pivotal to the growing interest of the managed care industry in their attempts to foster positive health outcomes, improve accessibility to services, and increase quality of covered lives and consumer satisfaction. The volume includes articles concerning: (1) prevention of alcoholism, drug abuse, and health problems among American Indians and Alaska Natives; (2) worldview, identity, and prevention principles for American Indian communities; (3) prevention issues and innovations in Alaska; (4) using the community readiness model in native communities; (5) Native American perceptions of the National Association of Native American Children of Alcoholics; and (6) the use of school-based drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs in American Indian communities. References, tables