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Health Care of Women Prisoners in England and Wales: A Literature Review

NCJ Number
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Dated: February 1999 Pages: 54-66
J Kenney-Herbert
Date Published
13 pages
This article discusses literature on the health of women prisoners and highlights areas in need of improved service and research.
The article reviews literature on the health of women prisoners in the areas of mental disorder, psychosis, mental handicap, personality disorder, neurotic disorder, substance misuse, suicide and deliberate self harm, pregnancy and maternity health and genito-urinary health. It examines primary health care services for women prisoners and suggests that the prison health care system consider a strategy for recognizing victims of domestic violence and implementing appropriate medical, psychological and social work intervention. It also suggests the need for research into the possible developmental implications for, and needs of, children who live in prison with their mothers. Finally, the article notes the importance of liaison and communication with health care and other agencies outside prison. This would ensure that effective health intervention and promotion begun with women in prison will continue to have a positive effect after they are released. References