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Hard Drugs, Hard Choices: Vigilantism and Legalization

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One of Columbia University's seminars on media and society, this video discusses the vigilantism of citizens and legalization of drugs as part of the overall drug problem being explored in the 4-part video series, "Hard Drugs, Hard Choices."
Using a large panel of judges, mayors, attorneys, Guardian Angels representative, Presidential advisors, and directors of the FBI and CIA, the video explores the conflicts between the legal right of citizens to have safe streets and their reactions via vigilantism to the perceived ineffectiveness of the police and legal system to control drugs and related crime. One solution explored is the legalization of drugs using the Netherlands as an example to follow. The idealistic aspect is contrasted to the realistic aspect of comparing legalization of drugs to the results of legalizing alcohol and to the results of education on tobacco use. Also discussed is the media's role in society's view of the overall problem. Dan Rather represents the television news reporting aspect and discusses what constitutes a good story, how a reporter would go to get a good story, and what would be emphasized to make a situation a good story. (See NCJ 131124-131126)