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Habilitation/Developmental Perspective: Missing Link in Corrections

NCJ Number
Federal Probation Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 55-65
T Palmer
Date Published
11 pages
A personal developmental perspective is applied to the interpretation of the findings of the New Pride and Violent Juvenile Offender programs.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the major theories of crime and delinquency causes focused on sociological factors rather than psychological. The habilitation developmental approach presents a more psychologically-oriented framework which supports a growth centered strategy. It is designed to better understand the offender's self image, developmental stage, commitments, and desires. Based on this information, the program will engage and redirect the offenders interests, abilities, and motivation along more appropriate and less troublesome lines. An individualized assessment would include not only intervention area, but also information on the offenders' actual life circumstances, types and sources of offender motivation and interests, offenders skills, limitations and principal fears, and major opening strategies such as type of living arrangements or return to school. In addition, information is gathered on feelings and attitudes regarding relationships and defenses used, methods and techniques, timing, priorities, and staff roles and needs.