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Guidelines for Management-Oriented Evaluation of Delinquency Prevention Programs

NCJ Number
J Reynolds
Date Published
80 pages
This manual provides step-by-step guidelines for use by administrators and evaluators in the development and implementation of management-oriented evaluations of delinquency prevention programs.
The guidelines described a general evaluation process that can be adapted to a wide variety of juvenile programs. A description of selecting the evaluation topic tells how to identify evaluation priorities, clarify the evaluation subject, clarify and specify the evaluation objectives, and determine the evaluation's feasibility. Guidelines on evaluation plan development cover the development of the judgment steps, the data processing steps, and the management plan. Advice on the implementation of the evaluation covers staff assignments, development of evaluation and management procedures, pretesting and revision of evaluation procedures, data collection and analysis, reporting of the results, and development of strategies for using the evaluation findings. Figures and appendixes summarizing the steps in the evaluation process and including six worksheets are provided.