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Guidelines for Juvenile Justice System Case Processing That De-Emphasize Less-Serious Offenses

NCJ Number
D V Babst; C P Smith; T L Rooney
Date Published
53 pages
This paper proposes case processing guidelines that act to screen out less-serious juvenile offenders from the justice system by providing risk assessment criteria.
By being able to assess risk more systematically, perhaps fewer, less-serious offenders will need to be committed to institutions. The general idea is that the less serious the risk and the less serious the need, the more consideration should be given to screening the juvenile out of the justice system. A guidelines matrix illustrates the concept. It lists six factors that should be considered when assessing risk (i.e., seriousness of offense, prior record, etc.), against which juveniles should be ranked. Juveniles should also be tested on the needs assessment scale, listing five factors (i.e., juveniles' attitudes and demeanor, family attitude incident, etc.) to determine a juvenile's needs. The report also cites other factors to be used in case disposition. Appendixes include about 15 references, brief discussion of studies assessing the seriousness of juvenile offenses, the guidelines matrix, and the address of the National Juvenile Justice System Assessment Center (with contact person). Tables are provided.