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Getting effective intervention to individuals exposed to traumatic stress: Dosage, delivery, packaging, and profiles

NCJ Number
C. F. Weems
Date Published

This commentary discusses how to improve interventions for individuals exposed to traumatic stress. 


This commentary will discuss dosage and early treatment responders, delivery and packaging, and the need to go beyond diagnosis to build from the findings of Holmes et al. to foster the delivery of effective treatment. There is strong evidence for the efficacy of empirically supported treatments (ESTs) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, treatment non-completion remains a considerable problem. Of concern with a high dropout rate is that Holmes et al. (2019) found that clients who attended more sessions improved at a greater rate and clients who completed all 12 sessions had the best outcomes. In addition to dropping out of treatment, there are some issues related to getting effective intervention to those exposed to traumatic stress. (publisher abstract modified)