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General Deterrence in a Longitudinal Perspective: A Swedish Case: Theft, 1841-1985

NCJ Number
European Sociological Review Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Dated: (May 1989) Pages: 25-45
H Von Hofer; H Tham
Date Published
21 pages
Using Swedish time series data on convictions for theft between 1841 and 1985 and reported thefts in Stockholm between 1866 and 1985, this paper analyzes whether changes in the risk of detection, conviction, and imprisonment are negatively related to changes in the number of people committing thefts.
Following their analyses, the authors conclude that the general deterrence hypothesis cannot be proven using longitudinal data. In terms of minimal interpretation, the data on experienced risks are lacking and the annual variation in the variables too small. An examination of official criminal statistics used in a maximal interpretation also have not lent support to the general deterrence hypothesis on the aggregated level. 2 tables, 9 figures, 19 notes, 53 references, and 1 appendix (Author abstract modified)


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