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'Friends' Raping Friends

NCJ Number
J O Hughes; B R Sandler
Date Published
8 pages
This booklet discusses how 'date' rape usually occurs, its causes, how to avoid situations that may occasion it, danger signals, what to do if 'date' rape is attempted, what to do if raped, the effects of 'date' rape, and legal implications.
'Date' rape is forced intercourse with a person known to the victim in the context of their social interaction. It usually occurs in the residence of the offender or victim. Alcohol and drugs are sometimes a significant factor, as is miscommunication about sex between the offender and victim. Causes of date rape are male and female socialization into dominant and submissive roles, miscommunication about sex, and changing sexual mores that lead men to expect sex on a date. Some of the steps to avoid date rape are sensitivity to situations conducive to date rape, the giving of clear messages about not wanting sexual intercourse, firmness, protesting, leaving, and seeking help. Men prone to date rape tend to show controlling tendencies and an insensitivity to other's feelings and personal space. Some of the effects of date rape are fear of being alone, fear of men, sexual problems, depression, embarrassment with family and friends, anger, and anxiety. Actions in the event of a completed rape are to go to a friend, get medical attention, report the attack to police and university officials, and seek support services. Legal options include bringing criminal charges and filing a civil suit. 4 notes and 6-item bibliography.