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Fostering School-Law Enforcement Partnerships (Guide 5 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)

NCJ Number
Anne J. Atkinson
Date Published
September 2002
56 pages
One of eight guides designed to enhance school safety, this guide offers assistance in developing and implementing partnerships between schools and law enforcement agencies.
Section 1 of the guide presents an overview of community policing and its relationship to school effectiveness. The rationale for and approach to developing the school-law enforcement partnership are explained from a community-oriented policing perspective, and community policing in schools is compared with traditional policing in schools. This section also describes how police techniques of problem-solving can be applied in the school setting, as well as how law-enforcement roles can be incorporated in planning for safe schools. Section 2 of this guide focuses on the development of the school-law enforcement partnership from an interagency perspective. It presents steps for building the partnership framework at the levels of the school district and law-enforcement agency, including the establishment of leadership commitments, the formalization of commitments, the forging of partnership relationships, the development of operational procedures, and the clarification of key issues. Section 3 outlines steps required to implement school-law enforcement partnerships in schools. Included are descriptions of the roles of law enforcement in schools, with examples provided of many strategies used to make schools safer and more effective. 6 references, an annotated list of 15 resource organizations, and 16 annotated additional readings