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Forfeiture Unit Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
This manual explains the procedures to be used by the police personnel who are members of the Forfeiture Unit of the Toledo, Ohio Police Division.
The unit's mission is to eliminate the profit derived through direct or indirect involvement in illegal activity and to seize and forfeit contraband. The unit conducts forfeiture investigations relating to the assets or property that is abandoned, derived from, or used in the commission of an offense violating municipal, State, or Federal laws. The forfeiture process usually begins when Division officers seize property from a citizen with the intent of having the property forfeited under applicable laws. Although the officer may provide verbal notice of this intent, the preferred method is to issue a Notice of Property Seizure. The guidelines detail the steps involved in opening a forfeiture case, seizing vehicles, interacting with the court system, handling money, paying expenses, and interacting with outside agencies. Appended forms, documents, and related materials