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Finding Missing Children Faster

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 36 Issue: 9 Dated: September 2009 Pages: 96,98,101
Rebecca Kanable
Date Published
September 2009
5 pages
This article outlines the development of the StreetLynx Network, providing law enforcement and the public with additional technological mechanisms in the issuance of public alerts of find missing children.
The StreetLynx Network designed by Titan Lynx Corporation for expected release in 2010 is intended to increase law enforcement options in the recovery of missing children. There is no cost for departments to use StreetLynx. StreetLynx is designed to identify a specific area by creating a targeted zone based on the last known location of the missing person. Law enforcement StreetLynx recipients receive alerts based on their police department's address, and others receive alerts based on their home address. In addition, Titan Lynx and the Fraternal Order of Police are also working to promote the PhotoAlert Drive which will allow for the gathering of photos and individual profiles and will be available for accessibility. No special hardware or software is required to use StreetLynx. Connections will be made through secure socket layering, with communications encrypted. To issue alerts, agencies must subscribe to StreetLynx, which includes the National PhotoAlert Network to share digital images and identifying information about persons of interest or suspects.