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Fear of Past Abusive Partner(s) Impacts Current Posttraumatic Stress Among Women Experiencing Partner Violence

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2014 Pages: 208-227
VÉronique Jaquier; Tami P. Sullivan
Date Published
February 2014
20 pages

This study examines the impact of fear of past abusive partner(s) on posttraumatic stress among 212 community-recruited women currently exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV).


This study examines the impact of fear of past abusive partner(s) on posttraumatic stress among 212 community-recruited women currently exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV). The path analysis model tested explained 60% of the variation in IPV-related posttraumatic stress. Findings revealed that fear of past abusive partner(s) was uniquely associated with the severity of current posttraumatic stress symptoms over and above the impact of current IPV or childhood abuse and neglect. Future research should continue examining women's subjective emotional experience of past and current victimization so as to further inform both clinical practice and intervention planning. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.

