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Favorable Effect of Juvenile Court Adjudication of Delinquent Youth on the First Contact With the Juvenile Justice System

NCJ Number
Juvenile and Family Court Journal Volume: 38 Issue: 3 Dated: (1987) Pages: 21-26
W K Brown; T P Miller; R L Jenkins
Date Published
6 pages
This study tested the hypothesis that labeling and stigmatization of youths as delinquent by the juvenile court increases the likelihood of a delinquent career.
Subjects were 500 delinquents selected from the Dauphin County Probation Department (Pennsylvania) files for the years 1960-1975. Of these, 204 responded to a followup survey. Results indicate that in every group, regardless of age and initial offense (status offense, misdemeanor, or felony), individuals who were adjudicated delinquents showed better outcomes than those whose cases were dismissed/closed or were informally adjusted. Among those adjudicated, formal probation produced better outcomes than did placement. Placement resulted in better outcomes than informal adjustment, which resulted in better outcomes than dismissal. 1 note and 5 references.