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Evaluation of Starrett City Security Services

NCJ Number
E J Donovan; W F Walsh
Date Published
128 pages
To evaluate the nature, cost, and effectiveness of private security services to Starrett City (an apartment complex in a high-crime area of Brooklyn, N.Y.), interview and questionnaire data were collected from 59 protective services personnel and 644 community residents.
1985 crime rates were analyzed using security service, precinct, New York City, State, and national records or data. The analysis of crime statistics indicates that Starrett City qualified as one of the safest communities in the United States. It had very low rates of reported incidents in the major felony categories. Residents attributed their feelings of safety to the efforts of the security department. Over 65 percent rated the department's performance above average, and 90 percent felt crime would increase if there were no security department. Interviews with the business community suppported these findings and provided additional support for the hypothesis that the security department is a major stabilizing influence in the community. Using estimated costs of $15.75 versus $22.22 per hour for private and public police, it is estimated that the department saves the city over three-quarters of a million dollars in protective servuce use time. Appendixes provide more research data and facsimiles of study instruments. Chapter footnotes and 40 references.