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Enhancing Corrections Spaces and Cultures

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024

This episode of the Justice Today podcast discusses how to ameliorate conditions in corrections facilities.


This episode of the Justice Today podcast, hosted by Karen Friedman, features former Bureau of Justice Assistance fellow Dr. Danielle Rudes discussing how leaders can make correctional institutions better for staff and residents. Staffing challenges impact re-entry efforts and overall public safety. In 2022, the number of people working for state prisons hit its lowest in over two decades. Karen discuss the impact of this recruitment and retention crisis in the nation's correctional facilities with Dr. Rudes, who is a criminal justice and criminology professor at Sam Houston State University in Texas. She's also the Deputy Director of the Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence, otherwise known as ACE, and a fellow with the Bureau of Justice Assistance Focusing on Enhancing Correctional Spaces and Cultures.