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Elder Mistreatment: Ethical Issues, Dilemmas, and Decisions

NCJ Number
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect Volume: 7 Issue: 2/3 Dated: special issue (1995) Pages: 1-182
T F Johnson
Date Published
182 pages
Ten chapters focus on various topics pertinent to ethical issues, dilemmas, and decisions in addressing mistreatment of the elderly.
The first chapter discusses the definitions and concepts that are the foundation for the ethical issues, dilemmas, and decisions in the care of the elderly addressed in subsequent chapters. Chapter two presents three case studies that involve ethical issues in elder mistreatment; they were created from a variety of actual situations to illustrate the range and complexity of ethical issues that professionals encounter in elder mistreatment. Subsequent chapters use these case studies to discuss and analyze various ethical principles in serving mistreated elderly persons. In exploring elder mistreatment from the perspective of the health care professional, chapter three raises several ethical dilemmas faced by health care professionals in evaluating, reporting, and caring for cases of elder mistreatment. Six chapters discuss the ethical treatment of elderly persons from a mental health perspective, an adult protective services perspective, an ombudsman perspective, a case manager's perspective, a legal perspective, and a religious perspective. The concluding chapter suggests a reconceptualization of autonomy as a way to think about developing options for a client suffering from mistreatment. Chapter references


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