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Effectiveness of Training Teachers to Identify and Intervene with Children of Alcoholics, Abuse, and Neglect

NCJ Number
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education Volume: 41 Issue: 1 Dated: (Fall 1995) Pages: 49-73
S J Hillman; A J Siracusa
Date Published
25 pages
This study examined whether specialized training helped teachers to identify children who come from families where alcohol is abused and where children are abused and neglected.
Three studies were conducted. Study I involved assessing student teachers who had just completed their training to obtain baseline data on knowledge and practice without any targeted training. In the second study, preservice teachers were assessed on their knowledge and practice prior to and following a training workshop. Study III replicated Study II but was completed with experienced teachers. In all three studies, indicators of children from alcoholic families (COA's) and children from families of abuse and neglect (CAN's) were categorized into four groups: physical, behavioral, psychological, and other. Physical indicators were those that were identified as observable and involved the child's appearance. Behavioral indicators were observable and involved actions by the child that were outside the range of acceptability. Psychological indicators reflected the emotional, internal state of the child. Findings show that the efficacy of the training has been in its ability to broaden identifiers of COA's and CAN's for teachers. Specifically, significant findings have shown that teachers who received the training can now cite physical, behavioral, and psychological indicators more readily for sexually abused children and psychological indicators for physically abused children. The study recommends that in addition to teachers, training should be provided principals, school counselors, and nurses. Further, training should encourage the development of identifiers beyond behavioral indicators, which teachers seem to rely on the most. 6 tables and 13 references