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Effectiveness of Customized Victim Impact Panels on First-Time DWI Offender Inmates

NCJ Number
Accident Analysis and Prevention Issue: 36 Dated: 2004 Pages: 29-35
Denise R. Wheeler; Everett M. Rogers; J. Scott Tonigan; W. G. Woodall
Date Published
7 pages

This study evaluated the effectiveness of a customized Victim Impact Panel (VIP) on reducing ‘driving while impaired’ recidivism, alcohol consumption. and drinking and driving behavior.


The study was conducted at a 28-day Detention/Treatment Program in a largely rural county in northwestern New Mexico. Study participants were randomly assigned to attend or not attend a VIP while participating in the program for court-defined first-time driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenders. There were no significant differences between the two groups on alcohol consumption, drinking and driving behavior, or recidivism within 2 years. These findings support the findings of other studies that found VIPs do not produce a differential benefit regarding recidivism of those convicted as first-time DWI offenders. (publisher abstract modified)