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Early Intervention: A Strategy for Prevention Practitioners

NCJ Number
Date Published
27 pages
This article is a report of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. It is a comprehensive view of early intervention strategies designed to reduce drug and alcohol use among juveniles age 12 to 17.
The report was prepared by the Northeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). CAPT has identified seven effective youth drug and alcohol use prevention strategies. They are: policy, enforcement, collaboration, communications, education, early interventions, and alternatives. Early intervention is defined as a targeted intervention aimed towards the identification of at risk youth. Effective early intervention strategies are targeted to families identified as at-risk for or are already involved in substance abuse, include skill-building activities for parents and children, identify and support the strengths of the client-family, offer participation incentives, exhibit cultural competence and address the relationship between substance abuse and general health consequences. 36 notes