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Diversion and the Delinquency Prevention Division of the Travis County Juvenile Court

NCJ Number
American Journal of Criminal Law Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1981) Pages: 89-111
S Trigg
Date Published
23 pages
This paper on the Delinquency Prevention Division (DPD) of the Travis County Juvenile Court (Austin, Texas) traces the growth, development, and problems of the division from its inception to the present.
DPD was established in November 1971. Referrals to the agency came from the police, the juvenile court, the schools, other agencies, parents, or children themselves. The history of DPD is traced, with special attention to changes in law that affected the program. DPD handles counseling, placement, and referral to other agencies when appropriate. DPD has undergone a substantial transformation since its early days. Once an intercommunity agency jealous of its separateness and striving to keep a child out of court, DPD today is a closely connected arm of probation, using the court as just another tool to deal with CHINS (Children in Need of Supervision) cases. Among the influences that caused this change were code changes, a new delinquency policy, the growth of intake, the geographical move of the division to its present location, the cut in placement monies, and new programs of the Texas Youth Council. The article concludes that DPD needs to examine its goals and make a new commitment, with the reality of the court considered in the process. Moreover, any intersystem agency, whether its workers have the court power or not, need to constantly keep the goals of diversion and independence before it. Specific measures are suggested to retain DPD's uniqueness, and brief case studies are included. A total of 28 footnotes are provided. (Author summary modified)