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Determining the Primacy of Substance Use Disorders Among Juvenile Offenders

NCJ Number
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Dated: (1990) Pages: 81-95
K Stone
Date Published
15 pages
The relationship of substance abuse and juvenile delinquency is examined from diagnostic and therapeutic perspectives.
Two main theories, the spurious model and causal model, of the relationship are described. Multiple factors that may serve as criteria in assessing the risk for serious delinquency can be categorized into historical behavioral factors, cognitive factors, interpersonal factors, and personality factors. The factors are concretized into a decision tree applicable to the diagnosis and treatment selection process. For this purpose a youth who manifests several of the listed personality characteristics will fit criteria for serious aggressive acting-out and antisocial potential which can be exacerbated by drug or alcohol use. In this diagnostic scheme, general risk factors indicative of an adolescent at high risk for substance abuse problems such as family histories of abuse, denial, and development of tolerance need to be considered before the interplay between the actual offenses and substance use is assessed. The next step in the scheme is determination of the primacy of drug abuse over other disorders among offending adolescents followed by an assessment of a history of aggression, criminality, and circle of affiliates. 22 references