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Delinquency Prevention Project - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
This report describes juvenile delinquency prevention programs sponsored by the Girls Clubs of America (GCA) at seven local sites as well as national replication efforts for the final year of the LEAA grant period, 1980-81.
A summary of project management concerns covers personnel changes, contacts with local project staff, and replication activities. It points out that because the delinquency project has found that acquiring reading and writing skills is very important to its female clients, the GCA has designed a program that emphasizes the fundamentals of self-concept, skill building, and motivation to stimulate reading and writing competency. Individual progress reports are then presented for several project sites: Allentown, Pa., Birmingham, Ala., Chattanooga, Tenn., Lynn, Mass., Omaha, Neb., Santa Barbara, Calif., and Worcester, Mass. Each report describes the project's management, the services it provided, staff training, collaborative activities with other agencies, and the status of an advisory committee. Services have included afterschool recreational and educational programs, summer camps, career development, tutoring, field trips, sex education, special events, and competitive sports.