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Death Behing Bars - An 11-Year Survey of Prisoner Deaths in South Australia

NCJ Number
Medicine, Science and the Law Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Dated: (July 1986) Pages: 207-213
D J Pounder
Date Published
7 pages
To assess the adequacy of health care in prisons, this study examined the 31 inmate deaths (10 suicides and 19 from natural causes) reported by the South Australian Department of Corrections over the period 1973-1983.
Over the 11 years, there were no female fatalities and no homicides. The mean age of the suicides was 24 years. There were allegations of sexual abuse in two suicides, two were known as drug abusers, two were on remand, one had a history of depression, and one was a chronic schizophrenic. Common causes among the 19 deaths attributed to natural causes were heart disease and malignancy. There were five alcoholics in this group. Inquests were held on 21 deaths. A discussion of the results notes that alcohol and drug abusers, who may commit suicide within the first few days of incarceration, along with mentally disturbed persons, should be in a psychiatric hospital rather than prison. Other issues examined include the role of sexual abuse in suicide, delayed inquests, and delays in providing emergency care caused by security concerns. Tables and 11 references.