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Criminal Justice System Model - The Flow Model

NCJ Number
H Pullinger
Date Published
70 pages
This paper describes a computer simulation model of defendant flows through the police, magistrates' courts, Crown Court, prison, and probation systems and key decisions which control these movements in England and Wales.
An overview of the flow model notes that it analyzes the workload's movements by combining branching ratios -defendants' chances of taking one of several alternative paths -- and the delay experienced by defendants at each stage. A summary of the modeling process addresses its method of grouping defendants by offense and offender characteristics, system factors, and forecasting branching ratios. Tasks that must be completed before starting a model run, the computer program used, and validation issues are discussed. The report describes the model's inputs and outputs and provides two runs as examples. Data used in the model and summary outputs are appended. Glossary, tables, and 12 references.


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