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Criminal Justice Analysis - Wrap-up

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
This videotape continues the critique of the third group's presentation in task 6 as well as instructors' concluding remarks to students in the Criminal Justice Analysis course.
The first step of analysis is seen as raising as many questions as it answers about any particular problem being studied. A discussion of instructors' expectations of students' achievements in the course indicates students were supposed to gain knowledge to help them to function more effectively and efficiently in their professional positions. Knowledge was gained by applying the data analysis process to information, assigning tasks to members of the group, testing hypotheses by examining the data, and reaching conclusions. The aim of the course was to render more professional the criminal justice community's evaluation process. See NCJ 81170 for the instructor's manual. For other videotaped sessions see NCJ 81171-81 and 81186.