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Crime Displacement: An Annotated Bibliography, 1971-1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
This annotated bibliography consists of 129 entries, arranged chronologically, concerning various aspects of crime displacement.
Some of the topics addressed by these bibliographic entries include the relationship between police patrolling and crime, results of victimization surveys in different cities, models of crime displacement, the impact of environmental factors and architectural design on crime, the effects of curfews on juvenile crime, and the deterrence effectiveness of private security services. Other articles and papers discuss crime and delinquency prevention, crime impact statements and predictive analyses, criminality theories, and theories of gun control and availability. The studies summarized here discuss crime displacement-related issues in Canada, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, the former Soviet Union, the Netherlands, and Australia, and in many cities across the U.S., including Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Boston, Denver, Nashville, and Minneapolis.