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Convicts and Their Level of Religiosity - A Study in the Three District Headquarters Jails of Western Orissa

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1986) Pages: 43-49
S Mohanty
Date Published
7 pages
This study examined the level of religiosity among inmates in three jails in India and its relationship to offenses, age, literacy, and occupation.
The following hypotheses were tested: secularly oriented inmates commit more serious crimes than religiously oriented inmates; religiosity increases with age; illiteracy and religiosity are positively correlated; and agricultural occupations and religiosity are positively correlated. From December 23, 1982, through January 6, 1983, interviews were conducted with the 271 inmates in the district jails of Sambalpur, Sundargarh, and Bolangir. Level of religiosity was determined through 10 statements to which the inmates responded. Data on age, education, and occupation were also obtained. The relationship of religiosity to offense type, age, education, and occupation was examined using the chi square test. Of those rated as having committed serious crimes (196), 70 percent were rated as highly religious. The majority of the inmates, irrespective of age, were highly religious. No significant relationship was found between educational attainment and religiosity. There was a significant positive correlation between agricultural occupation and religiosity. Tabular data and 7 references.


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