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Conversation With Gang Members

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
Using statements from five imprisoned former gang members, this video is designed to show school kids that gang involvement leads either to jail or death.
The format for the video is that of a moderator asking five former gang members about their experiences and insight regarding their gang involvement. Panel members are first asked about when and how they became gang members. All became gang members in their teens and were attracted to gangs because gang members were their role models. Gangs provided a frame of reference for achieving self-esteem and a sense of familial bonding and affection. Gang-related behaviors developed in response to peer pressure from older gang members. When the moderator asked the panel about the effect of gang membership on their families, all acknowledged that it undermined their relationship with parents or guardians. Parents and guardians sought to keep the boys from gang associations and this caused conflict between them. Another effect on the family was to place family members in danger of injury and death from rival gang members. Other topics considered are the importance of and easy access to guns, the daily threat of drive-by shootings, and panel members' advice to youths about the importance of avoiding gang involvement. Essentially, panel members advise youths that gang membership leads to nothing positive and can only end in either imprisonment or death.