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Contemporary Criminal Justice in America - An Overview

NCJ Number
H M Humphreys
Date Published
80 pages
This collection of 75 columns was selected from over 300 columns written weekly between 1972 and 1978; the works originally appeared mostly in legal newspapers syndicated across the United States.
The columns address such major topics as crime; criminal defense; criminal justice; criminal law; the death penalty; and drugs, pornography, and sex laws. Additional articles address juries and jury selection, judges, juvenile justice, the police, the press, search and seizure and the exclusionary rule, sentencing and prisoners, and tools relating to evidence examination. Specific topics mentioned include street crime, white-collar crime, and the crime victim; results of a National Defender Survey; techniques for criminal trial lawyers; and plea bargaining and other deficiencies in the criminal justice system. State supreme court and U.S. Supreme Court decisions on such issues as evidence allowed at trial and various aspects of the exclusionary rule are highlighted. Articles also discuss decriminalization of marijuana and other drug use; prostitution and pornography; judicial evaluation; juvenile crime prevention methods and policies; and changing police personnel practices. The collection includes a list of recommended books and articles.