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NCJ Number
Date Published
26 pages
This is a workbook for organizing target area coordinating committees (TACC's) to recover youths and communities from gangs.
Broad-based community involvement is critical to the success of a TACC. A TACC incorporates all persons living in or serving the target area--adults and youth, civic and religious leaders, merchants, law enforcement, community- based organizations, and more. Their roles as motivators ("sparkplugs") or catalysts are explained; there are also a gang control assessment guide, a target area assessment guide, a target area map, procedural examples and worksheets, a target area resources inventory, and a self- assessment checklist. The TACC objectives are spelled out: 1) Organize and define the membership of the TACC; 2) Identify antigang activities, programs and services that are currently operating within the target area; 3) Identify all possible sparkplugs; 4) Recruit agencies and sparkplugs; 5) Develop maps depicting gang turfs, hangouts, and any conditions or activities that may interfere with the community; 6) Develop and implement short-, intermediate, and long-term community recovery campaigns (CRC's); 7) Complete the self-assessment checklist; 8) Maintain coordination, communication, and cooperation among TACC membership and with other TACC's; 9) Monitor and evaluate the progress of CRC's and local antigang efforts; 10) Stay organized and stay in action; and 11) Continue to recruit new resources and sparkplugs.