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Combat Shotgun Training

NCJ Number
C R Skillen
Date Published
217 pages
This manual examines methods of handling the police riot shotgun and illustrates shotgun training programs for officers and recruits. Lawful use of shotguns for home protection is recommended.
The text examines the weapon's shot spread at various distances and the ballistics of buckshot. The shotgun training program for recruits (14 sessions) demonstrates how to carry, reload, aim, and fire the weapon, as well as care and safety techniques. The advanced course includes 5 incident-related courses of fire that require officers to make decisions and react in an appropriate manner. One session tests officers' skill in removing the shotgun from patrol vehicles, using the vehicle for protection, and firing under stress (simulating street conditions). Other training considerations involve the use of metal targets, night firing and training in inclement weather, and the benefits of full-choke shotguns. The manual also discusses home security techniques and recommends the 12-gauge shotgun for home defense. Photographs and ballistics data are included.