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Children, Young People and Offending in Scotland: A Research Review

NCJ Number
S Asquith; M Buist; N Loughran; C Macaulay; M Montgomery
Date Published
165 pages
This 6-month research review commissioned by the Scottish Office Central Research Unit had the stated purpose of providing "a basis upon which plans for future research, policy, and provision can be made with the ultimate aim of reducing the number of children and young people who become involved in offending and of those who continue to offend."
Three components were identified for the research review: a literature review, a statistical review, and an audit of policies and programs. Six primary research issues were addressed. First, why and how do children and youth become involved in offending and what can be done to reduce the number who do so? Second, what are the formal and informal mechanisms that shape the behavior of youth away from or toward offending and other troublesome behavior as they grow up? Third, what is known about the lives and activities of children and youth in Scotland, particularly with respect to offending, in recent years? Fourth, what are the policies and practices most likely to have a positive impact on shaping the behavior of youth, especially those most likely to reduce the likelihood for starting and continuing offending? Fifth, where do the key policy interests in this area lie, and who are the core stakeholders who should be at the center of initiatives aimed at reducing recruitment into and continuation of offending? Finally, what further research or statistical information is required? In answering these research questions, the focus of the review was broad, as it included schooling, community education, sports and leisure, employment and training, health, recreation, social work services for youth and families, and urban regeneration. 792 references