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Child Abuse - A Contributing Factor to Delinquency

NCJ Number
J Lowen
Date Published
28 pages
Studies bearing upon the relationship between child abuse and juvenile delinquent behavior are reviewed, and recommendations for preventing juvenile delinquency are offered.
Studies indicate that inadequate parenting, including aggression against the child, neglect of nurturing needs, and an absence of consistent discipline; a deprived environment (poor housing, inadequate nutrition, etc.); out-of-home placement; and the absence of a consistent caregiver are factors which strongly correlate with juvenile deviant behavior. Based upon research findings, the report recommends that support services be provided to children experiencing abuse and neglect, as well as to their families; that the effects of removing children from the home be evaluated before removal; that the feasibility of offering 'parenting' courses in the schools be investigated to increase the awareness of the substantial responsibilities of parenthood; that national standards for agencies providing service to children be established; that uniform codes regarding grounds for removing a child from parental custody be developed; and that culturally-sanctioned physical force in all institutional settings be eliminated. Over 80 references are cited. (Author abstract modified)