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Characteristics of Chinese and Korean Americans in Outpatient Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders: Examining Heterogeneity Among Asian American Subgroups

NCJ Number
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: April-June 2010 Pages: 128-142
So-Youn Park; Tazuko Shibusawa; Sung Min Yoon; Haein Son
Date Published
April 2010
15 pages
This study examined the characteristics of Chinese Americans and Korean Americans who received treatment for alcohol abuse problems.
This study examined characteristics between Chinese Americans and Korean Americans who received treatment for alcohol use problems, using case records of 103 Chinese Americans and 108 Korean Americans. Findings show that the majority of Chinese Americans and Korean Americans were referred for treatment by the legal system and denied having alcohol problems. Significant differences were found between the groups in income, education, and types and quantity of alcohol use. Participants from neither group attended Alcoholics Anonymous. The differences in characteristics between the two groups with underscore the importance of considering the heterogeneity of Asian Americans when designing intervention programs for alcohol problems. Tables and references (Published Abstract)